Greetings and welcome this evening of your time as you create time to exist. How are you all? Thank you.
Are you all awake? Allow me to entitle this interaction, ‘The Light and the Dark side’.
Understand as a foundation, as we have always shared, as we have emphasized in these interactions, that Creation itself is a single, in one way of looking at it, statement.
It is One thing. In the manifestation of the One thing that is Creation are many facets. And often you will refer to yourself as but a facet.
But in reality, you are an expression of the Totality itself. And everything emanates from One idea, One event. Sometimes in your society you have the saying, All is One.
And foundationally and fundamentally, this is true. For All-That-Is, what you call God, is one expression, one manifestation, one statement, though again has the apparency of many facets. But it all boils down to the one, the whole, and therefore anything.
All ideas, all things, places, people, and so forth, relationships are all divisions or subdivisions or facets within one whole. It all boils down to that whole. Again, we refer to it as All-That-Is, because that leaves nothing out.
All-That -Is, is the pure energy itself of unconditional love. And only from unconditional love could you have a reality where all things are possible, where with no conditions imposed upon the facets in creation, each facet is free to explore whatever it is they wish to explore. What you call, therefore, good and evil or light and dark, are truly two facets, but of one expression.
When you understand and realize this as the one expression, you get the integrated result. When you separate it and assign power to one or the other, at the cost of its opposite, you then get that effect. Therefore, good and evil, what we prefer to refer to as positive and negative, are both expressions, but of one overall idea.
For the purposes of practicality, since you are your reality and do not exist within a reality, that is only an apparency that you create to explore, you may understand that these ideas, what you call light and what you call the dark side, must by definition both exist within you. So therefore, there is no sense in that way to deny either or the other, for you contain it all. And it is not a matter of anything except what do you emphasize, what do you place your attention upon, and therefore, what do you subsequently create and manifest in your life.
So allow us for the purposes again of remaining practical, to define the light and define the dark, so to speak, side from the perspective.
When you understand that everything is all One thing, and you are a direct expression of that One thing, and nothing is separate from you, therefore you understand you contain it all. It again is not a matter of getting rid of anything, for where will you put it?
You are the entire Creation. There is no outside. You cannot say, this is what I wish to manifest, and this is in exile from my reality, for there is simply nowhere to put anything.
You contain it all. It is all within you. Denying something within you paradoxically does not give it less of an effect, but actually gives it more of an effect, because that denial, though you do not always consciously allow yourself to see this, is a form of extra attention placed upon something.
So therefore, denying something that is within you does not make it disappear or go away. It simply, perhaps you can say, creates a state whereby you seem to store it, or shall I say place it, in a dark space where it will not bother you. But again, understand all ideas you are denying due to the fact that denial is a form of attention, will at some point present themselves to you so that you can have the opportunity to acknowledge and integrate it, rather than continue to deny it, which again gives it strength, but then puts it again in a dark place where you will choose not to look at it.
So therefore, allow us to define the light as your willingness to acknowledge. Acknowledgement of anything that lies within you is bringing it to the light, so that it can be seen, as you say, in the light of day, and therefore can then be dealt with. You can then decide if you prefer it or not, and in deciding perhaps that you do not prefer something, but acknowledging that you contain it, that acknowledgement equalizes it to all other things, rather than adding more attention to it.
Once you acknowledge an idea and equalize it to all other ideas, you then have equal access to choose all other ideas, for you are not giving more weight to the thing that you deny. So you may understand that your willingness to acknowledge anything within you is, again, the light, is bringing the ideas that you have placed in the dark space within you, as an analogy. There is no physical space that this occupies.
Being brought to the surface can be, in that sense, the only thing you need do to allow yourself to shed light upon that idea, and understand that you can integrate it, and you can transform it if you do not prefer it.
The dark side, as you say, again, is part of all that is, part of the whole. When you assign a separate label to it, therefore give it the opportunity to be empowered by you, then it can seem to have a life of its own, and it can seem to be a force influencing you.
But truly, the only thing that creates the dark side is denial. And therefore, the only thing that it ever will require from you to, shall I say, transform the dark side, is your willingness to allow ideas as they come up, and we are generally speaking of ideas within you that you do not prefer, to be acknowledged. ‘Well, yes, I do believe this, perhaps it is something that is anti-social, perhaps it is something that everyone knows you should not do, but nevertheless, yes, at this time I find that if I am honest with myself, I do believe this’.
Any idea that you take this approach with is now, through that acknowledgement, been removed, so to speak, from the dark side, and placed upon, perhaps you can say the table before you, had been held up to the light of day.
One concept that your society will often harbor is the idea that you have the ability to create something which you cannot handle. You have the ability, and again this is your societal notion for many individuals, to create something which can actually overcome you. However, allow me to share: to us this is an irony, is a paradox, for the fact that you are creating something in your life is in and of itself all the evidence you need to understand that you can handle it. For again, there are no extraneous ideas within creation.
If you label something extraneous, perhaps you can get that effect, but ultimately everything that is in Creation by definition belongs, or it would not be there. If you understand this, and look at it, and approach it that way, and use it in that way, it becomes quite evident how it belongs. If you assume that it overcomes you, or that any idea for that matter could, you then deny that idea, and then again, usually will create some version of what we have referred to as a subconscious closet to toss that idea in, which again will perhaps for this conversation correspond to the dark side.
This closet has no life of its own. Perhaps you can say you create a seeming door, and the things that you stuff, so to speak, within that closet, as you continue to deny that may knock louder and louder, but the reason that they are knocking is for your acknowledgement, is for the reason that when you acknowledge them, you can then transform them, and the transforming of the very things that you deny will enable you to transform the, shall I say, style of the creation of your life toward the style of creating according to preference.
So in understanding that there is nothing, absolutely nothing that you can create that can overcome you, understand by extension that there is nothing within you that you need be afraid to acknowledge.
Once you acknowledge something, this does not mean it is your lot in life, or that the acknowledgement is a condonement, but it is being honest with yourself and then allowing you to assess, do I prefer this or not? But until you acknowledge it, it is not within your grasp, it is not back within your power to transform it, for you are not even acknowledging that it is a belief. And before you can change any belief, you must at least have come to terms with it that you contain that belief, and that, that is the belief that you are expressing.
Now one of the main reasons that we share this with you, along with the concept that you can create nothing that can overcome you, is that you may understand very clearly that your thoughts are all safe to think. Evaluating, exploring within your mind does not create an effect in your life. Looking at what is negative within you does not automatically right away in this reality create that thing in your life.
In this reality, when you act with the negative idea, then yes, you get a negative effect. But to say that thoughts are things is only partially true in your reality. Now ultimately thoughts are things, yes, but many of the thoughts you have that do not become things are things in other dimensions of experience, not your own.
So thoughts being things as a literal idea right now in your explorations is not entirely accurate and does not entirely take into consideration the actual mechanism. And again, in your physical exploration, that mechanism is having a belief, an emotion, and a thought, and then doing something, acting with that belief, emotion, and thought as a foundation. It is then those actions which are subtly, shall I say, affected by the belief, emotion, and thought that creates the effect. So by thinking a negative thought and not acting upon it, you cannot create an effect from it in your reality at this time in your development.
This allows you to understand once again that anything that you wish to explore in your mentality is safe to explore. You only create it if you then get up and do something with that as a concept. But if you do nothing, it is entirely, shall I say, a safe space to evaluate your thinking.
Many times this simple recognition will allow individuals to begin to honestly dialogue with themselves. And as you wish to transform who you are and are willing to trust that it is within your ability to do so, then your reality delivers your denied beliefs, delivers, shall I say, perhaps you can say concepts that you have relegated to your dark side, to your awareness so that you can acknowledge it.
So that you can learn not only from the positive things that you have created in your life, but from the negative manifestations as well. For all ideas are your creations. And as you are willing to live and create your reality according to preference, your reality then affords you the opportunity to see where you, quote unquote, still hang up by presenting to you many of these beliefs that you no longer prefer so that you can transform them.
But I remind you, when a belief is presented to you, it is not just that presentation that allows you to transform it. It is your willingness to acknowledge it that allows you to transform it. ‘Well, I do believe that. Perhaps I wish I did not, but if I am honest, I do.’ That owning of a belief is, again, the transference of that concept from, perhaps you can say, your dark side colloquially to the light of your consciousness for recognition.
You will generally find as you decide to transform that your beliefs will come up through, shall I say, several avenues for you to examine. Now again, as I have shared, as you believe something, so you then feel that way. Belief yields emotion. Emotion yields thought.
Belief, emotion, and thought all together then yield an action which creates the reality. Therefore, you can trace backward to establish your beliefs. You can see how you are acting and ask yourself, what must any person who is acting this way believe?
And then if you are honest, the belief will be forthcoming. You can see how you are thinking. How would any person thinking this way believe?
What must a person who thinks this way believe? And also, to trace back one more step, if you are feeling something, perhaps particularly negative, that is an opportunity always to trace down a limiting belief. For again, you must believe something to generate a feeling.
So if the feeling is negative, nine times out of ten you will find that it traces back to a negative limiting belief.
Acknowledgement is the light. Denial is the dark side.
Both exist within you. You cannot get rid of either. Therefore, you get to choose between them. Choosing between them, not denying the thing that you do not choose, is the act of a conscious creator. You need not invalidate the thing that you do not choose. It will have the right and the reason to exist, perhaps for someone else.
And therefore, as you begin to choose positive and act that way, you will continue to expand. And because your reality contains positive and negative, that expansion will include more awareness of both. But there is a vast difference, I once again remind you, between awareness and experience.
And again, this is one of the points of the beginning of this interaction. You can be aware of anything without it affecting your life as long as you do not act with that as a premise. So as you are willing to entertain the negativity within you, bring it to the light and acknowledge it, choose the positive and act according to the positive, you transform the negative effects from your life. And your expanding awareness of both positivity and negativity takes place through observing others performing and getting negative results.
So again, you will still be aware, but it will be through others if you flawlessly decide to act according to the positive and trust that.
Nothing within you can overcome you. And if you have ever experienced that something can't understand, that is the degree of your power to create, whereby you create it all. So thereby, even if you create a scenario where it seems like you do not create it, paradoxically, you are creating that as well. And so much is the unconditional love of all that is that you can create anything you wish without any conditions imposed upon you.
And if you do not fulfill those conditions, All-That-Is will withdraw its love. No, All-That-Is or God is unconditional love itself and can do nothing but love you for what you are. Perhaps again, you may wish at some point in understanding the constancy of this unconditional love to perhaps entertain the thought of treating yourself with that same respect.
We in interacting with you for particular individuals will sometimes represent the dark side simply because we are unknown, simply because individuals will choose to deny our existence. Now, we do not insist that you believe in us. And this is one of the reasons that we communicate to you in this format, to allow you through our unconditional love the choice.
But perhaps you may understand that the time for this in this form is somewhat short. For again, as we have shared, your government is aware of our existence. And sooner or later, perhaps sooner, so will your society be.
But only is the timing of this in accordance with individuals beginning to explore parts of their consciousness, which they have heretofore labeled alien. And this is one of the things metaphorically, symbolically that we will represent aside from the idea of representing literal physical beings that live on another planet. We will also represent symbolically too many individuals, the things within them that they have not viewed.
And thus sometimes again, individuals will assume that we are from the dark side. But you will find at least the extraterrestrials that we are in contact with very much function from the light.
We are acknowledging who we are. We are acknowledging your sovereignty, your divinity, and do so in the form of what you would call complete non-interference with your societal choices. For you to have that complete free will, are unconditionally loved by All-That-Is, and have the choice to believe in us or not.
As again, a critical number of individuals begin to entertain the notion, you will therefore and find that you will see external reflections or external happenings or symbols that we do indeed exist. It is still a bit loose, but this will be crystallizing depending upon decisions that are now being discussed in what you call your governmental structure.
Therefore, allow us to thank you for entertaining the notion that such a thing is possible. We do not insist in any way that you believe who we say we are. It is not important. We have noticed again in your society, a tendency, no offense, but the tendency has been to latch onto the messenger many times at the cost of the message. And what we are here to share is the fundamental information that allows us all to express personal divinity, personal sovereignty.
And therefore, as you begin to and express your power, you become more alike the vibration of many other societies that have already done so. Then we can meet you as your friends, as your equals, and not have people falling down and bowing right and left. This is something we would not in that way prefer, and will not interact with your society physically until we are satisfied that this will in general not be the case, for it would be a disservice to you.
No one is any better than you. You are not better than one another. All Creation is equal, no matter what your particular focus is, whether it be narrow, contracted, or expanded and sublime.
All expressions of consciousness are completely equal in the eyes of All-That-Is. For your willingness to act as such an equal, to entertain us and allow us to interact with you, which also allows us to know that much more about ourselves, I thank you, and I ask you how I may be of service to you. Sharing!
Well, thank you. At this time, allow me to thank you all and understand that as you acknowledge the things within you that you heretofore have denied, you do not weaken yourself. You do not let down your defenses.
You gain yourself. Everything that you are is all right. In the negative and positive manifestations within you, you get to choose.
Understanding that awareness of negativity is all right and need not be accompanied by experience of negativity is your point of power. If you act from the positive perspective, you only get a positive result. And again, your awareness of negativity will be through others.
If you can assist them, do so. If not, reflect on what you have learned from their choice and their willingness to display their divinity, their sovereignty. Be willing to, as you sometimes colloquially say, salute the divinity within each individual.
That is the expression of what binds you, what connects you. You appear to be separate beings, but you will understand as you expand, again, that the reality you used to believe you existed within existed within you. And in many ways, the apparency will feel as though so did all the individuals.
Everything is a part of you and a reflection back to you. That is how existence is lined up. You are the reality.
You are the reality. When you say, I am in a miserable situation, you are being a miserable situation. That is the most accurate way to put it.
I do not throw this in your face. Simply allow you to know that the moment you acknowledge I am being a miserable being, then you understand you are doing something. And only can you do something.
I thank you for your willingness to open the many doors within. We all walk together in one large house that is creation. I bid you a most fond and lovely, pleasant service.
And good evening.
This is another great transmission. The role denial plays is well stated here in a simple understandable way. Denial holds much in darkness that yearns for the light of day.
Congratulations on uploading the 100th transmission. Yesterday I was like oh I forgot to check the session. Elly responded "you forgot me"🤣 I responded no Elly that's impossible I can't forget you. When I checked YouTube no session was there and I thought what happened? Later I thought maybe EI mates need a break that's okay we'll get one next week 💖
Happy 100th transmission, Fam! 100 down, an eternity to go? 🤔🤗