Q: Good evening. I'd like to make my own personal expression of unconditional love to you and the Association.
ELAN: Oh thank you. We return that to you all.
Q: And I found it fascinating that you had an excitement for swimming in your life, your ocean.
ELAN: We also, by the way, have an equivalent to what you would label sailing. Though we do not have other forms of motor as you do and simply enjoy this for the idea that it is the wind itself.
Q: Very interesting. I've loved the ocean and swimming myself. I think what would excite me to know tonight is maybe a little bit more about where you are. You said you're in orbit around your planet.
ELAN: Right now upon a projection table. This is the form of technology that we utilize to, shall we say, facilitate these interactions.
Q: And I take it you're on the mother craft if you're on the projection table?
ELAN: Well, there are, shall we say, rooms upon a mother craft, a larger craft which will house smaller crafts that perform such a function. But in this instance, I am upon my smaller scout craft, which is an equilateral triangular shape, approximately 40 feet in length, approximately eight of your feet in height. And again, in orbit around our planet of Essassani.
Q: I see. The other thing I'd like to know is I've been told that there's three seats on these crafts.
ELAN: In a sense, you can say three places or stations. Again, much as our domiciles, whatever quote unquote furniture we need, simply exudes from the substance of the craft itself, being that it is a semi, I guess you would say, living type of crystalline structure.
Q: Now, are you on there alone or are other energies with you this evening?
ELAN: Right now, there is one other individual present. In general... in general... there are always exceptions. There are three aboard, though.
Q: Thank you. Would that other energy…
ELAN: …be a female directly related again to myself and the channel. And this will become more clear in future interactions.
Q: Thank you very much.
ELAN: And to you.
Q: Good Evening.
ELAN: And to you.