“You are sparks of the light of the white light of All That Is itself.
What breaks down that white light in a way that makes you unique is the prism that comprises the artificial personality construct that you are.
That prism is composed of belief, emotion, and thought.
Therefore, whenever you wish to change the expression of that white light through you, all you need do is change any one of those three features.
You will find it most easy to change the belief first for that is, shall we say, on this plane “the cause of causes”.
But your willingness to change any aspect of the triad of prism that you are, will change the vibration that you are.
Will now represent a different manifestation of that white light of Infinite Creation.
And allow you to express yourself consciously according to preference as an aspect of the Infinite.
Multi-dimensional, Infinite, and Eternal are you all!
Therefore we express to you our unconditional love and appreciation for sharing a bit of that Eternal and Infinite with us and bid you a most fond and loving good evening.”
Which session was this taken from?
I really like this quote. What's interesting about it is we tend to focus on changing the beliefs only, which he says is easiest, whereas alternatively, we can also start by changing the emotions or changing our actions first. So for example, even if we believe we are not abundant, by acting abundant nonetheless this will change the vibration. It's interesting that psychologists have shown that play acting can really transform one's self..
Great quote! Feel free to post as many as you like, both here and elsewhere. Together, we rise. Welcome!