Q - Elan, can you give me your perspective on the word "Ego?"
Elan - There are many ways to look at it, but for the purposes of simply remaining focused, "Ego" is what you create and define as an expression within your Infinite self that maintains your focus in physical reality, period.
Generally, it is overloaded with the assumption of other jobs, which it seems to have a reaction to. But its main purpose is to simply keep you focused as a Physical Being. You make a decision, and your "Ego" allows you to remain focused on that decision and its seeming expression and results.
Now, when you define the Ego as something more and give it power, and I will say very brazenly use it as an excuse ... it can take on different characteristics, it can seem to be driving its own vehicle. But that is an apparency and simply re-aligning ... re-assigning to the definition ... "this is the expression within me that keeps my focus in physical reality ... this is the expression of me that will make itself known when I need to be so focused and that is its only job," it will seem in a sense, to simply be a mere nuance, rather than a controlling factor, and it is simply the re-defining of its role. Does that make sense, or do you insist that it be more than that? Now, that is a big job.
From "Your Power on a Plate"
And the inner ego maintain focus in inner reality.