It's been mentioned in a past sharing by the Association, that Knowingness, which is a level after Existence, can be experienced/utilized from within the physical incarnation. Could you please define Knowingness as you see it and provide an illustration of how this experience is prevalent naturally (or with practice) in this life? Love and gratitude!
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Short answer. Knowingness is a deep intuitive understanding that supersedes belief, emotion, and thought. It is the inherent truth or realization that consciousness has about itself and its nature. It expresses as the awareness of all potential held within existence. It includes the utter recognition of the oneness of all things and is the embodiment of total integration of everything. It expresses as synchronicity, and as you recognize synchronicity, acknowledge and continue to act upon it, you build a more sturdy bridge to your own knowingness.
Accessing knowingness from our perspective begins with simple acts of trust. Since one way to express yourself is to realize that you always need to know exactly when you need to know it, this is the the first application of accessing knowingness. As you take this for granted and forge a bond of trust with the synchronicity of how and when things occur, you fortify your trust of the expression of knowingness. Acting as though you have consciously decided that you always know what you need to know when you need to know it, always trusting that in any actuality, and always acting according to what you know in the moment, using your excitement to discern, and your integrity to act, snowballs your awareness of deeper levels of accessing and purposefully expressing knowingness.
But then, you already knew that. 😉