Now released, the next Elan , which was previously unreleased, is called, "There's No Place Like Home." This interaction includes a beautiful 2nd Mothership Meditation within which we will revisit the "Solar Wind."
You are Invited to participate in this exciting adventure. ✨💖 ***Ruby Red Slippers are optional. 👠👠
PLEASE FEEL FREE to share your own experiences in the comments

Get excited, it's perfectly timed with everything that's going on, and part of the amazing synchronistic choreography of the release of these Elan sessions. You will be delighted and amazed. ✨💖
I'm listening to the question and answer section right now and it's so beautiful; I'm just feeling into the energy now <33. How exciting it must be to be in the room while the channeling is going, and having the live dialogue, sharings of discoveries.
This is so beautiful and full of sovereign power. To know that I am what I imagine, I am the room, I am the reality. And to feel the power of how we create things. The true validity and beauty of every exploration, the unconditional love that underscores and lifts everything into being.
I love the live feedback and wisdom in these interactions; truly it is soul nourishing and powerful <3. So grounding AND heaven-bound at the same time.
Will follow in the meditation at a later point.
💚💚 Rah