Hi everyone! I hope you are all well. 💖 I wanted to share my meditation experience about clarifying my vision.
In the beginning of the meditation I was walking on a forest path and it led to a steep cliff where I was able to view a beautiful mountainous area. I continued on my path until I saw the building that Elan mentioned. For me it was a gigantic castle. When I stepped inside everything was completely dark but on the way down to the chamber a bunch of torches lit up the small and narrow staircase. It went really far down but at some point I finally entered a big room with a circular ceiling. A chandelier on the roof lightened up the room a bit as well as more torches on the wall. In the middle of the room was a golden throne with red pillows on it. In front of the throne was a heavy looking table with an old tv on it. Everything in this room looked old, not taken care of, full of spider webs, the air kind of felt cold and wet. Even the throne looked like it has seen better days. Also, the throne with the table was on a small elevated platform so I had to walk up a few steps to reach it. I sat down and strangely enough I felt comfortable, even if the surroundings didn't look comfortable. I felt isolated in a good way. I knew I was alone willingly and the whole castle looked abandoned so I knew I had that whole place to myself. I began to look at the tv and started switching through the channels.. weirdly enough my vision kind of became blurry and I was hesitant to switch through the channels? I didnt know what to expect. Maybe I resisted? My focus kind of shifted and I felt a tingling sensation on my arm and when I looked I saw a black spider crawling around my arm. I looked at it for a while but then shifted my focus on the tv again. That's when I noticed that there was something playing on the screen, it was me being happy, being my preferred self, full of freedom, no limitations and just exploring. I was in a city for a brief moment, enjoying the company of other people. I felt light. Next thing I know is I'm with a group of friends on a boat close to a beach of some island. It seemed really fun and comfy. But it felt.. distant? I actually noticed that there were extraterrestrials as well, they looked like humans but their energy felt different. I was welcoming them and we instantaneously flew in a spaceship to a different planet.. also to another island, it was nighttime and the sky looked completely different with a lot more visible stars. We lied down on the sand and just talked. But it felt strange being far away from earth? Also kind of exciting? I felt like I was at home but also not? I loved the scenery and the calmness. It was a mixture of emotions. I noticed I begann judging myself wondering about what I envisioned. Was it my excitement? My past or future life? It felt like I knew the people for a long time. It was an interesting experience and I might repeat the meditation again to see what happens. If anyone else is excited to share their experience please feel free to do so! 🤗💖
This was so beautiful, I also felt I wanted to share my experience here on the forum as-well! I'm excited to also add mine here! During the meditation, I remember seeing a bean stalk like that from a fairy tale spontaneously appear as it stretched high up above the clouds and I remember climbing up this huge bean stalk to what looked like a castle? I can't remember the exact details but I remember walking down a spiral staircase, the walls made of smooth stone, into a room, there, the television and a comfy chair for someone to sit in. As I made myself comfortable, as I grabbed the remote and turned on the television, and began to " tune my antenna ", I think I saw myself on stage? Talking to huge groups of people? I was so excited beyond anything. The biggest thing that showed up for me was this symbol I draw all the time, and see it as a big part of my journey, where it's a triangle with three circles connecting to it and a spiral in the centre. I remember when Bashar shared the 15 sacred geometry symbols and their meanings. I remember my eyes being drawn to the one representing connection and as the last few months have progressed, I've seen that expand to having a swirl or spiral in the centre. I see this as part of my channeling journey somehow? I just feel super excited about it, that's what I've got so far, and it was beeeeautiful, I was smiling so much! 😍👽💙