We've added new functionality to our forum! You can now display the entire site in many other languages. In addition, we've added a search feature. Enjoy!
Stay tuned as we continue to upgrade and improve our cool 4D Gathering Place.
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Special thanks to our amazing team member, Jo-Ann. She is responsible for so many of the upgrades, lovely touches, and ongoing improvements to our Forum. This includes these two recent enhancements, the search bar and the language options. ❤️
The search function really works too. Try typing 'synchronicity' or 'dreams' and you'll get all the different discussions or quotes about that. This is invaluable! Great idea 😄😍
Thank you! 🙏
Surely many will benefit, especially from the multi-language upgrade. Kudos.
OMG what an upgrade, my cuties. Loved it. Below the search option I can see the previous posts. So cool. Also in the catagory section I noticed my posts and all posts section, at the top, which I didn't notice before. Looking forward to the future upgrades 💙✨